n The Mark Pulling Sled Rental LLC
About Us
As a former tractor puller and loving the sport, I became a partner in a sled rental company running a Thumb 8 pulling sled in 2003. After the season end, there could be modifications to the sled to greatly improve operation and and the experience the puller had hooking to the sled. Those modifications proved a much better ride for both myself as the operator and the puller.
In 2006 my partners and I bought and I began running a new Bauer Built sled. in 2010 was the creation of the Mini Sled Class 5 which expanded opportunity of events.
The dissolution of the partnership came and ended. We are forever grateful for what we together built. We will forever be friends and consider them family.
The demand of pulling sleds increased Christa and I purchased another Bauer Built Class 8.
We work hard to maintain an enjoyable ride for the pullers in all conditions. Early arrival to events is important to us as we like to study the track and that allows for a higher hypothesis of sled settings.
Help is necessary in order to insure proper maintenance and function. We have a group of friends that we could not do this without.
Our sleds, Two "Big" Class 8 and One Mini Modified Sled Class 5, are both NASOA and NTPA/~PPL certified.